36 Weeks today!
However, walking may become increasingly uncomfortable – some women say it feels as if the baby is going to fall out. Also, you may still feel as if you need to go to the loo all the time. Check out our eating well guide and stock up on those last-minute nutrients.
The good news is that by the end of this week, your pregnancy will be full-term and you could give birth any day. Babies between 37 and 42 weeks are considered full-term – a baby born before 37 weeks is premature and after 42 is post-term.
At your weekly visit, your doctor or midwife may check to see if you've started dilating, when the neck of your womb (cervix) opens, and effacing, when your cervix thins. The midwife will also check what position your baby is in, to estimate how far your baby has dropped into your pelvis. This information will be entered into your maternity notes so that your midwife will know the position of your baby when you go into labour. "
"Weekly vist"? They couldn't fit me in until 3 weeks after my last visit, so thats a worry. Still haven't had the chance to discuss my home birth with MY midwife! She's the one thats qualified to do water birthing. I keep having to see whoever is available grr. I'm dreading them saying its too late to arrange a home birth, but that would be nonsense really. Got the room set up ready, Pools inflated, bin bags, bucket lol, just need to buy plastic sheets. I have got the babys bath ready and the hosp bags have everything in thats needed.
I know he's started dropping he's 2/5ths engaged. I just hope he can't turn round now.
Weel I see Debbie, my midwife, on the 10th so I will try and discuss birthing plan then and get it arranged, fingers crossed.
I also have a bad cold at the moment which if why I am feeling grouchy, sinus's hurt, feels like my face is falling off, and my nose, well we won't go there.