Friday, March 26, 2010

Ethan is 3 Weeks and 3 Days Old!!

He's bigger lol, prob 11 lbs and a half by now. He still attacks his face alot, hes a scabby face at the moment. I file his nails but they aren't that long, hes just strong I guess. He pulls scratch mitts off!

He's getting very good at peeing over himself hehe, hasn't got me once yet, I shouldn't say that lol. He's also a piggy with the bottle! I gave up trying to breastfeed, he kept refusing and I couldn't pump much, they were sore and I had had enough :( Anyway he adores the bottle lol.

We haven't been for a walk yet, partly due to my sciatica, which seems to be getting better! and also I have no mattress for the pram so ones on order. He loves the car though sends him straight to sleep lol :)

Monday, March 8, 2010

We Are Home!

Baby Ethan Robert, born 2nd March 2010 weighing in at 10lb5 and a half oz.

Laboured approx 15 and a half hours 8 of those at home some using birthing pool with only paracetamol as pain relief. His head wouldn't engage so the midwife rang for an ambulance at about 9.15.

Got to winchester, the ride was fun and got put in a labouring room.

The following hours were a mixture of panic, pain and happiness.

Ethans heartbeat dropped dramatically twice, first when they broke my water, which had meconium in it and secondly when I got up to use the bed pan. I was given the choice of caesarean or more waiting to see what would happen. I chose the c-section. So they took me down and prepped me. The spinal was so weird, I could feel them touching me and moving my legs etc but no pain. Hubby kept watching them work. He cut the cord said it was very tough lol.

I had my first cuddle but where the screen was in the way Ethan was trying to strangle me hehe. They wheeled me to the maternity ward and hubby changed his first nappy :)