6 Weeks Fetal Development
The embryo is the size of a lentil this week. If you could see inside yourself, you'd find the fetus has an oversized head in proportion to its body. The embryo's facial features are forming with dark spots where the eyes are, openings where the nostrils will be, and pits to mark the ears.
Protruding buds that will become the arms and legs are even more noticeable now. The embryo's hands and feet look like paddles. Other developments include the growth of the pituitary gland and muscle fibres. You can't hear it yet, but the heart (which has divided into the right and left chambers) is beating at about 150 beats a minute -- twice the rate of yours.
Halfway through this week, the embryo makes its first movements. Unfortunately, you'll have to wait until sometime in the second trimester before you get to enjoy feeling your baby's exercise sessions.
• Note: Experts say every baby develops differently -- even in utero. These fetal development pages are designed to give a general idea of how a fetus grows in the womb.
Scan this Thursday can't wait, wish I had one of those machines so I could look for myself hehe.
Not sleeping too well, partly the hot weather but also really hard not to sleep on my tummy. I know its early and it shouldn't matter yet, but its uncomfy what with sore boobs and bloated tum.
Wierd dreams too - Last night I was in a Russian newspaper shop and there was a huge tank with sharks in it. Someone had been bitten and I was trying to keep them still so I could sew up the wound, strange lol. And they also kept turning into a cat hmmm....
well done for blogging mummy x