Although she's getting heavier every day, her skin still appears wrinkled and translucent because she needs to gain more weight. Her lips are distinct and her eyes are formed, though the the coloured part (the iris) still lacks pigment. The pancreas, essential in the production of hormones, is developing steadily.
Even this early, the first signs of teeth appear in the form of tooth buds beneath her gum line. Before you know it, your baby will be born, and soon after, her first teeth will come through.
You've probably gained between 5.4kg and 6.8kg. Starting now, you'll begin to put on weight more steadily, averaging about 225g per week. You may crave certain foods and you may notice an increased (but not bloody) vaginal discharge. Both are a normal part of being pregnant."
I read a news article from 2007 about a baby being born and surviving at 22 weeks! She has now had her second birthday wow! The names Amilla Taylor if anyone wants to look it up, an amazing story.
Well Im feeling good, not much nausea now yay! Still getting headaches though Boo! Tummy doesn't seem bigger to me, Prob is tho, but it seems rounder, heavier and harder. I get out of breath easily and I am still getting hot flushes. My backs annoying, its almost like it used to be, hurts most when I am washing up, guess its the position, can't stand near enough to the sink hehe.
Bub's most active at night, I have a regular footballer in there :P Still light kicks obviously but he/she gets very busy lol.
At my last scan I was told the placenta is posterior low which means its where the babys head is in the pic. Apparently 1 in 4 women have this. Only prob is when it comes to delivery and it hasn't moved, basically theres no way the baby can be born so it will mean a cesaerean. But thats rare, it will normally stretch up out of the way.
Keep an eye on those headaches boo. I was reading your bit about the baby that survived at 22 wks? When I was preg with F I was so obsessed that he would come early and I was teribly worried but I got talking to a lady at school and I think she had about 6 kids and all were born around that mark (not at same time) and they are all very healthy - so it made me worry alot less xx