Tuesday, February 2, 2010

37 Weeks! Not long now :)

"Your baby weighs close to 2.8kg and may be about 48.6cm long from head to toe. Your baby's head is now cradled in your pelvic cavity – surrounded and protected by your pelvic bones. This position clears some much-needed space for her growing legs and buttocks.

Many babies now have a full head of hair, with locks up to 3.5cm long. But don't be surprised if her hair isn't the same colour as yours. Dark-haired couples are sometimes taken aback when their children are born with bright red or blond hair, and fair-haired couples likewise can produce babies with dark hair. And then, of course, some babies don't have any hair at all.

Speaking of hair, most of the downy coat of lanugo that covered your baby from 26 weeks has disappeared, and so has most of the vernix caseosa, the protective whitish substance that also covered her. Your baby will swallow her lanugo and exterior coating, along with other secretions, and store them in her bowels. These will become her first bowel movement, a blackish waste called meconium.

Around now many women start worrying about whether they will know if they are in labour. Look no further than our labour and birth section. "

Had another scan as uterus seemed large again, they said baby was fine and my fluid was ok too. They estimated baby weight at 7lbs 11oz but that could be upto 2lbs out so not accurate lol.

Went to ABC (Andover Birthing Centre) for blood form and they did it there. Asked if we could talk to someone about homebirth, lucky we did as it needs to be sorted out by 37 weeks!!! No one told us that! Anyway we were booked in to see Debbie next day to discuss it:)

Appointment with Debbie (my midwife) went well BP ok, urine ok, HB ok baby kicked her hehehe. She sees no reason why we can't have Ethan at home :) She popped round Sunday with the pregnancy box. It contained lots of stuff I didn't have a clue about lol I'm nosy. She said the pool was great similar to one they used to have at ABC. And she loved the cats lol.

All set now just got to wait, hope obstetrician doesn't want to see me she said hosp might ring depending on what he thinks of my scan hmmm. Fingers crossed he doesn't try to talk me out of home birth.

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