Tuesday, September 15, 2009

17 Weeks Today!

"Your baby is now nearly 5 inches long from crown to rump and weighs about 140g. His skeleton is mostly rubbery cartilage, which will harden later. A protective substance called myelin slowly begins to wrap around the spinal cord.

With the help of a special stethoscope, you can now hear your baby's heartbeat. There's almost nothing more comforting or exciting than hearing your baby's heartbeat galloping along. For times when boredom strikes and you feel as if you'll be pregnant forever, it can be a pleasant reminder of what will come at the end of 40 weeks of waiting.

Your expanding uterus (womb) where your baby is developing has shifted your centre of gravity and you've probably been feeling a bit off-kilter. Be careful and wear low-heeled shoes. Finding it hard to settle when you go to bed? Check our tips for sleep in the second trimester.

If you haven't had an amniocentesis yet and plan to, this week is a good time. One perk: you'll get a long look at your baby through the ultrasound scan used during this procedure."

17 weeks already! phew :) Yes its hard to sleep! Last night was the usual, tossing and turning, I get really restless and hot in the evenings and nights, legs go everywhere and hubby tells me off lol. And then the keep getting up to wee in the night! great fun lol, think it was 4 last night. Will probably nod off after dinner soooo tired.

Measured tummy yesterday was almost 42 inches hehe. The dreaded sickness re-appeared yesterday too, bye bye curly wurly oh well :P

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