Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Didn't really know what the appointment was all about. When the letter came through the door for it my first thought was huh?, then whats wrong? so I looked it up lol. Anyway turns out it was the midwife that makes you that appointment.

First we saw a nurse and she took my blood pressure, which was fine. It was low last midwife app. She also took my wee sample, then we had to sit back outside. Another nurse called us in and felt my tummy, asked some questions and then we got to hear the heartbeat again :) Back outside for another wait. The doctor then calls us in. He asked what he could do for us lol. We both we stumped and said didn't really know why we were here. He laughed and said the midwives pass on people. Mine was probably due to my age, having IVF and because of my bowel being stuck to my uterus. He said he would chase up my gynae notes on that but thinks it wont be a problem. He said because of my age it would be best if I had a central delivery and waffled a bit about Winchester but said if no problems then deliver in Andover. He said mine is a normal pregnancy but because of my age its not viewed as normal...hmm, well we shall see.

We were there 1 and a half hours! lol

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