"You're in the home stretch. The third trimester typically starts this week and lasts until week 40 and sometimes even beyond. (Don't worry – 42 weeks is the maximum! After that, a woman usually is induced to give birth.) Most women gain an average of 5kg during this trimester.
By this week, your baby weighs nearly a little more than 1kg and may measure 37.6cm from top to toe. At about this time, your baby can open her eyes and turn her head in the uterus (womb) if she notices a continuous, bright light shining from the outside.
Her fat layers are forming which will help her skin to lose its wrinkled appearance. Your baby’s bones are nearly developed, though they are still soft and pliable – they won’t harden properly until after birth.
You're probably wavering between feeling as if you've been pregnant forever and being nervous about labour and birth. Checking off things on your to-do list can help. Start selecting possible baby names and begin thinking about life after the birth as well.
Planning to breastfeed? Then look at our complete guide to the first six weeks.
Note: Every baby develops differently. This page is designed to give a general idea of how a fetus grows in the uterus. "
I seem to be gaining weight faster now even though I'm not eating any different. 187lbs now ouch lol.
Midwife appointment tomorrow.
I put the christmas decorations up tonight, yeah a bit early but I get excited hehe. The cats were into, onto, under everything, they are worse than me.
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