Tuesday, December 15, 2009

30 Weeks Today!!!

"Your baby's lungs and digestive tract are almost fully developed. Your baby's growth in terms of her length will soon slow down (she measures about 39.3cm from crown to toe now), but she will continue to gain weight until she's born.

This week your baby continues to open and shut her eyes. She can probably see what's going on inside your uterus (womb), distinguish light from dark and even track a light source. If you shine a light on your stomach, your baby may move her head to follow the light or even reach out to touch the moving glow.

Some researchers think baring your stomach to light stimulates visual development. But don't expect 20/20 vision when your baby is born – newborns can see a distance of only between 20cm and 30cm. Children with normal vision don't reach 20/20 vision until the age of about seven or nine. To complete the picture, your baby now has eyebrows and eyelashes.

About a litre of amniotic fluid now surrounds your baby, but that volume decreases as she gets bigger and has less room in your uterus. As you and your baby continues to grow, don't be alarmed if you feel breathless, as if you can't get enough air. It's just your uterus pressing against your diaphragm.

There is a light at the end of the tunnel though. At about 34 weeks (or just before birth, if this is your second or third pregnancy), your baby's head will move down into your pelvis as she gets into the right position for birth. That will make breathing and eating a lot easier. "

Well I feel bigger if thats possible lol, It looks like my tummy couldn't get much bigger but Ethan has a lot of growing to do yet. Few more stretch marks round my sides. I'm getting good at upside-down tortoise impressions while trying to get up off the sofa hehehe. Makes you feel so helpless, hubby finds it very amusing lol.

I'm still doing pretty much ok with my weight gain, it seems to be hovering between 22lbs and 25lbs, 23 at the moment. For my weight i'm not supposed to go over 25lbs but if it happens it happens lol, will prob end up bout 35 hehe.

Was my birthday Sunday and I got spoilt, hubby bought me a gorgeous necklace and fluffy socks! I love those, also a long Cardi. Mum got me the lionman boxset, more socks (yay!), A jumper and a book. Bruv got me 2 pairs of earrings, CSI boxset and a film. We went to a carvery for dinner was yummy. Ooh and hubby also got me one of those kids cakes you decorate yourself hehe, very yummy too lol.

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