Tuesday, June 30, 2009

5 weeks (Monday)

Heres what it has to say about being 5 weeks pregnant

"You may not look pregnant at this point (Pffft! lol) but your embryo's heart, no bigger than a poppyseed, has already begun to beat and pump blood. The heart is dividing into chambers and will find a more regular rhythm soon. The embryo itself is about a quarter of an inch/ half a centimetre long and looks more like a tadpole than a human. It undergoes a growth spurt this week.

Major organs, including the kidneys and liver, begin to grow. The neural tube, which connects the brain and spinal cord, will close this week. The embryo's upper and lower limb buds begin to sprout -- these will form your baby's arms and legs. The intestines are developing and the appendix is in place.

Below the opening that will later form your baby's mouth, small folds exist where the neck and the lower jaw eventually develop. As early as this week, facial features are already forming. Nostrils are becoming distinct and the earliest version of the eyes' retinas are forming. Find out how much folic acid you need."

So if the appendix is already in place it must be important, right? lol
No Glaucoma!

Yay I don't have it!

Got to hospital last night, appointment was at 6.30. First a nurse did an eyetest. I did well and read all the letters, felt quite proud hehe :P She then took my blood pressure, which was fine and asked questions, then I had to wait to see the doc.

The doc looked at the back of my eyes and did the eyedrop test thing where they can tell the pressure using a blue light, no idea how lol.

Anyway I'm fine which is a big relief.

I'm feeling huge and full of wind! My hubby will tell you it's really discusting too hehe. Doesn't help having IBS lol. Looks like we will be buying maternity clothes really early. Nothing fits me, I am living in pj's and draw string trousers and vests.

I have one pair of jeans I can wear for a while but then it gets too much and I have to undo them lol :D

Monday, June 29, 2009

Happy But Bloated

Isn't it hot! lol I'm sat here with a fan blowing in my face phew :)

Feeling fine, still getting tummy aches which are annoying but I will put up with anything lol. No sickness yet. My scan is on the 9th, can't wait to see my little bub, or bubs?!

Was due to go to a BBQ sunday but Dad visited at the minute we were due to go out the door. I was looking forward to the BBQ meat but, in a way, I was glad I didn't go as my tummy was very crampy, I had an upset tum on the friday. Annoying bowels. Anyway it was good to see him, got burnt sat out the garden and it was cloudy lol.

Got eye doctor tonight, hopefully I don't have glaucoma, as I've said before, I can't take the meds while pregnant. So fingers crossed again.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Going well :D

Still have a silly grin all over my face hehe. Keep getting tummy aches and wind pains! ouch. Bit constipated. Been eating prunes! Tummys still huge hehe. Keep wanting to do the test again just to make sure lol. Hmm might do one in a week or so, hubby will prob say I am daft but well .... lol.

Hosp rang about an appointment to have my glaucoma test. Last one got cancelled as the doc was ill. They want me to go in tomorrow, short notice and again on Monday as there wasn't time to have both appointments together, bit annoying but they are trying to fit all the docs patients in. He was sick for 2 weeks!. Praying I don't have glaucoma as the eye drops and pregnancy dont mix. If I do have it, well the eyedrops will have to wait till after I've had the baby. Don't want to have to worry about that now. Just had a thought, hope the prunes don't do there job too well tomorrow...ummm... lol.

I've decided not to dye my hair till i'm 12 weeks, most advice I have found on the internet says don't risk it. I have an inch of grey roots all over oooh!

Monday, June 22, 2009

A Big Fat Positive!!!

Tested at 4.00 this morning, couldn't wait any longer and was busting for the loo.
Kept dreaming I had already tested and was getting very confused. Luckily the stick turned pink when you wee'd on it otherwise, well, .....tmi hehe.

Im a mummy yay! Hubby only just left for work we have been looking at baby things in the Tescos catalogue lol. I know, early days and all that, but I'm so excited!

Also didn't have to wait, it was an instant positive, hmmm.......twins maybe?!!! :)

6wk Scan

Spoke to Gillian at the Hampshire Clinic and my scan will be 9th July, its transvaginal so at least that means no full bladder lol.
Have to pick up more pesseries sometime this week as I am on them for a while yet.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Fathers Day

Dad and my brother over today, Dad wants to tell everyone he's going to be a grandad lol. Told him to wait till tomorrow :) My brother wants to start spoiling my maybe baby already hehe.

Ooooh want so much to do the test!

Feeling very bloated and fat which is supposed to be a good sign.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Saturday 2 - 3 days to go depending lol

Getting more pains and aches today, woke with backache and sometimes I feel that I have the dreaded period, but no blood so far.

Been reading up on it and these pains are said to be normal
so I will try not too worry, easier said than done!

Ive started eating meat again, I've been a vegetarian for almost 2 years. Now I think it would be better to just eat meat, than to worry that I was getting enough protein etc. Besides I love fish but eating that most days does get boring lol.
I will admit it does taste good after not eating it for so long.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Counting The hours

Lol, well actually i'm trying not to think about it too much. Not long now.

I was reading info on the fertility friends site when I saw someone talking about the pesseries, it made me laugh hehe. They said....

"It was like a foam party down there!"

So true :D

Thursday, June 18, 2009

I was trying to work out my due date, hmm confusing. Apparently you are pregnant for 2 weeks when you can't possibly be hehe. Anyway I'm 3 weeks.

This pic if from 4 weeks and this is what it has to say....

"The ball of cells -- now called an embryo -- growing inside your uterus is the size of an apple seed. It's divided into three layers that will later form organs and tissues. Low on the sides of the head are two folds of tissue that will become the ears.

The neural tube -- from which the brain, backbone, and spinal cord and nerves will sprout -- develops in the top layer. The heart and the circulatory system begin to appear in the middle layer. The third layer starts to house the lungs, intestines, and beginnings of the urinary system. In the meantime, the early version of the placenta, the chorionic villi, and the umbilical cord, which delivers nourishment and oxygen to your baby, are already working. "

I measured my waist just now its 38 inches hehe, i'm living in pyjama bottoms as I cant do my jeans up :P

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Getting really impatient now. I seem to be getting more and more bloated, doesn't help that I have a huge appetite at the moment. I eat and eat and then feel full up and sick. Then when I'm hungry again I want more food lol.

Face still very sore, seems to be clearing up, hope it doesn't scar too much. Boobies still big and sore.

Wish I had a window in my womb and could see what was going on in there! :D

Monday, June 15, 2009

Practice Run?

Face a little better, its starting scabbing. What with sore face, sore boobies and bloated tummy its hard to sleep at night. Is this practice for whats to come? hehehe.

I guess as my tummy's so used to bloating, (IBS) I might not get any stretch marks lol, thats good! :)

Lurgy still present

Yesterday hubby fitted the new upstairs loo, I was assisting, er, I mean hindering hehe. Basically I was just sitting on it when asked too lol.

Still look horrible. Im being brave and posting a pic, because this is shocking me! (pic updated to todays 16th - nasty)

The acne appeared pretty much over-night Friday. Anyway I did some reading and it's down to stress and progesterone, basically my pessaries, so there not much I can do about it. Apart from hide! Even the cats look at me strangely.

And another thing, hehe I'm having a whinging day:P, My greys starting to really show, hmm maybe get some temporary dye lol. Hubby said to let it go grey! Nooooo lol.

Hopefully Stan and Ollie are well. Apart from my face I am feeling fine. Im waiting for this 'Implantation bleed' and keep knicker checking hehe. They say not everyone gets that though. I'm dreading getting a period and I'm not sure when I would be due on as my systems been messed about a bit. Continuing to keep everything crossed :)

Saturday, June 13, 2009

The Lurgy!

I have erupted in a plague of spot/acne grrr!. Maybe it was stress, maybe hormones maybe it was me just being pleased I had been clear for about a week. Anyway now its payback time. My chin is really bad and it Hurts!. Sometimes I really hate my skin.

Apart from that I'm feeling ok, a few twinges and pains. My house is looking a bit like a bomb site which is not making me calm tho. I will just have to pretend its not there. At least the boilers in now and working properly and we have water. Yesterday was horrible when I needed the loo.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Found this, thought it was interesting, not much difference between us at the start lol.

Have terrible constipation! Phew wind pains, sorry if tmi hehe. Everything is going fine as well as I know. Still doing the pessaries, will probably be using those for some time yet if all goes to plan.

Fought the battle of the weeds in the garden, well I pulled a few up, yes I was very careful :D

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Smell of a Pessary?

Went to bed with a headache last night but feeling fine today. Apparently the HCG drug will still be in my system for a few more days yet and a side effect of that is headaches. My cat Belle likes the smell of my pesseries by the way hehe.

Mum came over to stay with me today. I tried to give her a few lessons on the pc, like how to use the mouse, hmm she didn't get it lol. Later my brother came to pick her up, also hubby came home, his Dad came round, with a pie, and our niece, full house! hehe.

Watched 2 episodes of Angel just now. Time is really dragging, bet i'm pulling my hair out by this time next week hehe :)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Rang Gillian

Pains much better today lol, may sound funny but unless you have had trapped wind, you have no idea how painful it is. So relieved thats over with :)

Tried to take it very easy and do nothing but thats so boring. I was very careful though. Tidied up and did some washing. Did a water change in the fish tank. Cleaned kitchen. Bath needs cleaning but I had better let hubby do that.

Rang Gillian and let her know how I had got on, she said Doctor O'Sullivan had been asking, she understood trapped wind very well hehe.

According to the way they calculate when a babys due, I'm actually in my week 2, sounds wierd lol.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Ollie and Stan

2 Embies on board :D

The big black bit is the bladder, underneath is the womb, in the middle of the womb is a white small line, thats the embies.

Oliver was a 8 cell embryo and Stan a 6 cell.

The Doctor made me giggle she said "there you go your romantic moment over", as she squirted them in hehehe.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Egg Transfer

Woke up this morning almost pain free!!! wheee :) Im sooo relieved. Still have niggles, twinges and it feels like I have a heavy bowling ball in my tummy (sore ovaries) but I feel so much better.

Going to take it easy to day, no jumping up and down just because I can hehe. Our Embies are being put in at 2.20 this afternoon.
Peppermint Tea

Had a bad nights sleep, moving is so painful. Im celebrating each time some wind comes out. After taking painkillers, peppermint tea and having a hot water bottle on my tummy I feel humanish again. Who would have thought trapped wind could hurt so much!. By the end of the day it was easing a bit, thankfully.

Tomorrow I have my Embies put back in yay! We have named them Oliver and Stan hehe.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Wheres My Painkillers?

Changed my mind about the pains, feels like I have given birth to a beach ball hehe. Ok not that bad but lots of wind pains, which I normally get, and twinges but as insides are sore they hurt more. Im shuffling along like a little old lady shouting "Where's my pain killers!".

Put the pessary in this morn, tried not to cough, laugh or sneeze and at the same time protecting my ovaries from leaping cats :D

Mum and bro are coming over later to see me, wonder when clinic will ring? The start of the clock watching I guess, why did I just think of that? lol:)

Hospital Rang

Hosp rang earlier, they said 8 eggs fertilised and there were 6 good embryos! Yay!!!

Im so happy :) So now we go back in Monday and have the two best embyos put back in:)

Pain Strikes!

Not so good , have really awful trapped wind, was almost in agony for 4 1/2 hours this afternoon. It was horrible, eventually a hot water bottle, peppermint tea, walking up and down and some bending and paracetamol helped, not sure which helped but something did, phew. Apparently gas from surgery, the pessaries and the HCG drug all cause trapped wind. I also have IBS so that made it even worse:(

Anyway feeling much better now, not looking forward to more pessaries tho.
Friday 5th June 2009 - Egg Collection Day

Woke at 5.30 and lay in bed waiting for the alarm to go off. We were told to leave early to go to the Wessex Clinic because of traffic, so we left the house at 7.30, didn't need to be there until 9.00. Yes we got there too early hehe, had a 45 min wait, there was hardly any traffic.

We were called in and I was told to change into a gown, socks and dressing gown. We sat with one of the nurses in the recovery room, going over the forms we had filled out etc.

Hubby got called out to go and do his bit. The nurse put a capula in my arm, luckily she found a vein lol. When it was time she led me into the theatre. Everyone was introduced to me, loads of faces. I had to lay back with my legs in stirrups and Sue, the lady doing the collection said I'd feel a funny taste in the back of my throat, which I did, and not long after that I was out like a light. I don't remember a thing until the nurse I saw earlier brought me some water, I asked if I was going in yet hehe. She said I had been chatting throughout the whole procedure lol :D She said they had got 10 eggs out :)) 10!!! wow, I'd been thinking 5 would be good lol.

Anyway after a while she let me get up and I sat in an armchair eating biscuits, drinking a cup of tea and reading the magazines. The nurse said I could get dressed, and as soon as I had been to the toilet I could go home. After dressing she took me through to an office, Hubby was in there and she took the capula out of my arm and gave me some strong pain killers.

I was told to start with the pessaries tomorrow moring, hmm fun :)

When we got home I went to bed for an hour or so, didn't think I'd be able to sleep but I did. Im very achy and a bit sore, but its ok, trying not to use my tummy muscles at all.

Now it's the long wait for a phone call tomorrow to tell us how many fertilised. Fingers crossed :)

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Thursday 4th June 2009

Today I've been told to take it easy and do nothing, which is exactly what I have been doing. Apart from creating 2 blogs of course hehe.

Feeling big and tummy feels heavy, must be those big ovaries lol.

I so hope this works, I keep worrying about all that could go wrong, mum tells me not to be a pessimist but I can't help it.
Wednesday 3rd June 2009

Things are really speeding up!

Did injections this morn, went ok. Got to scan and its going very well. Egg sizes are 14/15/15/16/17/17 in left ovary and 15/16/17/11 in the right so thats 10 good ones and a few other smaller ones, and womb lining was 9mm, needs to be over 8mm so perfect . So doc has said they will bring egg collection forward to Saturday. Went in for bloodtest with Gillian and she had a lot of trouble getting blood out of me, tried both arms lol. In the end got a trickle so she said that will do. Sore! I am definately a pin cushion today.

A while ago phone rang and I ignored it as I was trying to sleep off a headache, seem to be having quite alot, either its the drugs or lack of caffine!. Anyway Hubby texted and says it was Gillian prob ringing as she had just rung him. Rang her back and she said Doc had brought egg collection forward again to Friday as I had mostly big eggs, otherwise might lose them. She explained how to do the trigger injection, which I have to do at 9.30 tonight eeek! Going so fast now. So Im to take it easy tomorrow lol, and be at Wessex at 9.00 Friday. She said I must drink a large glass of water Friday Morning.

Egg transfer will probably be Monday :)

One more step nearer, I am hoping with all my heart this will work.
Tuesday 2nd June 2009

Forgot to dial dose before jabbing this morn doh! Silly me,had to take needle out and re-jab, ouch, a bit blunter. Was ok though :) Other needle went in fine today hardly felt a thing, side effects seemed to have stopped in that leg, itchy but no rash.

Read on the fertility site that the Puregon cartridges have approx 125ml extra in them, wish I had known that earlier, the extra amount I mean.
Monday 1st June 2009 - Day 8 Scan - Transvaginal - Day 6 Stimming

Got up about 6.15, kept waking up in the night. Probably as I knew I had a scan lol. Fed the cats and fish, made coffee and did my two jabs. The orgalutran itched again and I had a bit of rash and a swollen lump bubble patch. This went down after half an hour. The puregon didn't hurt at all today, hardly felt it.

Left the house at 7.20, traffic was fine, got to clinic and change into one the lovely gowns and dressing gowns, took socks this time, fluffy purple ones hehe. When it was my turn the doc measured my follicles. I had 5 bigger ones and a couple of smaller ones in my left ovary and about the same in my right, sizes ranging from 10mm - 13mm for the bigger ones, and my womb lining was 9mm so all wonderful, not the 10 in each but he said it was still very good :)

Doc said he would give me some more drugs wednesday at my next scan. I have 300ml left of puregon and 3 orgalutran shringes.

Then had to have a blood test, just to check on my hormone levels. They said they would let me know if there were any probs.

It was very good news and I was relieved so we went shopping to celebrate lol. I got 3 vests, shorts, 2 pairs of sandals and 2 handbags im definately a size 14 now :P.
Hubby got 2 vests, shorts and work boots.
Saturday 30th May 2009 - Day 6 cycle - Day 4 Stimming

Jab hurt this morning, not much but enough to notice, maybe a bit close to belly button hmm.

Not looking forward to tomorrow, have to do a second injection of Orgalutran in my leg, ouch.

It's been really hot today, hot in here with 2 pc's going, phew! Also had an annoying boil on the inside of my leg today...grr. Not so tired today, slept better but tummy still feels huge.
Friday 29th May 2009

Jab went ok, I am turning into a pin cushion hehe. Hubby went in to get the extra cartridge off of Gillian and she told him to tell me to stop worrying lol, can't help it.

I'm one of these people that have to know all the ins and outs about everything, bad or good.
Thursday 28th May 2009

Did injection 7:00 went ok :) Tummy looks bloated and I am feeling tired but that might be me not sleeping well lol.
Wednesday 27th May 2009 - Day 3 First Jab - Day 1 Stimming

Didn't sleep well last night, I think it was as I was worried about the injections. I was dreading doing them, I was just so sure it was going to hurt! I gave my self a good talking to and went for it lol. It went fine, didn't even feel the needle going in! Silly me, afterwards it smarted a bit but there was nothing to it.

Fell alseep reading earlier, so tired. Hubby woke me coming in the door, they had been rained off work.
I.V.F.Journal 2009

After six and a half years of trying to conceive we are finally having IVF! It was something I had never considered before. I used to think that if it couldn't happen naturally then it wasn't supposed to happen and that to play with mother nature was a bad thing. Well that idea soon changed hehe.

Took a year from the start of the process to now. We are going to the Hampshire Clinic in Basingstoke for the scans, bloodtests etc and to Wessex Fertility in Southampton for egg retrieval and implanting.

The last year has been full of appointments, scans, (Ultra and Transvaginal) and bloodtests.

Tuesday 26th May 2009 - Day 2 of cycle

Started my period Sunday night while asleep, so not sure exactly when. Dr O'Sullivan said he would be at the clinic Monday (bank holiday) for scanning, so we left home at 7:30 and headed for Basingstoke.
Reception was open, but in the department we wanted all the lights were off. We waited and a lady from reception came to see who we were and if she could help. I explained and she went off to try and get hold of Gillian (fertility manager) or Dr O'Sullivan. She spoke to the Dr's wife who said he had gone sailing! grr! So we went back home.

Today we tried again. Went fine this time. Had to change in a cubicle into a gown, (one of the backless ones lol) and a dressing gown. The scan hurt, he was trying to see my ovaries, because of my period. He said he could see 4 - 5 follicles in each ovary, was hoping for 10 in each, so he is prescribing me a higher dose of the fertility drug.

Waited a while for Gillian and she showed me how to do the injections, practicing on wadded tissues .

Got dressed and we went back home. Had a small panic moment as I realised, because he wanted me on a higher dose, they hadn't sent enough Puregon, oops! Rang Gillian and she said to pop in Friday morning and pick up another cartridge from her.