Thursday, June 4, 2009

Monday 1st June 2009 - Day 8 Scan - Transvaginal - Day 6 Stimming

Got up about 6.15, kept waking up in the night. Probably as I knew I had a scan lol. Fed the cats and fish, made coffee and did my two jabs. The orgalutran itched again and I had a bit of rash and a swollen lump bubble patch. This went down after half an hour. The puregon didn't hurt at all today, hardly felt it.

Left the house at 7.20, traffic was fine, got to clinic and change into one the lovely gowns and dressing gowns, took socks this time, fluffy purple ones hehe. When it was my turn the doc measured my follicles. I had 5 bigger ones and a couple of smaller ones in my left ovary and about the same in my right, sizes ranging from 10mm - 13mm for the bigger ones, and my womb lining was 9mm so all wonderful, not the 10 in each but he said it was still very good :)

Doc said he would give me some more drugs wednesday at my next scan. I have 300ml left of puregon and 3 orgalutran shringes.

Then had to have a blood test, just to check on my hormone levels. They said they would let me know if there were any probs.

It was very good news and I was relieved so we went shopping to celebrate lol. I got 3 vests, shorts, 2 pairs of sandals and 2 handbags im definately a size 14 now :P.
Hubby got 2 vests, shorts and work boots.

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