Tuesday, June 30, 2009

No Glaucoma!

Yay I don't have it!

Got to hospital last night, appointment was at 6.30. First a nurse did an eyetest. I did well and read all the letters, felt quite proud hehe :P She then took my blood pressure, which was fine and asked questions, then I had to wait to see the doc.

The doc looked at the back of my eyes and did the eyedrop test thing where they can tell the pressure using a blue light, no idea how lol.

Anyway I'm fine which is a big relief.

I'm feeling huge and full of wind! My hubby will tell you it's really discusting too hehe. Doesn't help having IBS lol. Looks like we will be buying maternity clothes really early. Nothing fits me, I am living in pj's and draw string trousers and vests.

I have one pair of jeans I can wear for a while but then it gets too much and I have to undo them lol :D

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