Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Smell of a Pessary?

Went to bed with a headache last night but feeling fine today. Apparently the HCG drug will still be in my system for a few more days yet and a side effect of that is headaches. My cat Belle likes the smell of my pesseries by the way hehe.

Mum came over to stay with me today. I tried to give her a few lessons on the pc, like how to use the mouse, hmm she didn't get it lol. Later my brother came to pick her up, also hubby came home, his Dad came round, with a pie, and our niece, full house! hehe.

Watched 2 episodes of Angel just now. Time is really dragging, bet i'm pulling my hair out by this time next week hehe :)

1 comment:

  1. Think Rich's sister had alot of headaches at beginning cuz of ivf drugs.
