Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Rang Gillian

Pains much better today lol, may sound funny but unless you have had trapped wind, you have no idea how painful it is. So relieved thats over with :)

Tried to take it very easy and do nothing but thats so boring. I was very careful though. Tidied up and did some washing. Did a water change in the fish tank. Cleaned kitchen. Bath needs cleaning but I had better let hubby do that.

Rang Gillian and let her know how I had got on, she said Doctor O'Sullivan had been asking, she understood trapped wind very well hehe.

According to the way they calculate when a babys due, I'm actually in my week 2, sounds wierd lol.


  1. you take it easy nik look after your self i am rooting for you, and know angelness will keep me informed about how you are, don't do too much let hubby do it

  2. Thanks I am, I do the easy stuff (otherwise I'd get bored lol) and he does the heavy stuff. This morning he scrubbed the bath hehe. :D

  3. You better be taking it easy woman or you will have me to deal with!
