Tuesday, December 29, 2009

32 Weeks Today!

"Your baby now weighs about 1.7kg and is around 42.4cm long from head to toe. Although his lungs won't be fully developed until just before birth, your little one is inhaling amniotic fluid to exercise his lungs and practise breathing. Your baby is immersed in amniotic fluid, which is protecting him as he grows in the amniotic sac.

Some babies have a head of hair already, others have only a few wisps. Thick hair at birth doesn't necessarily mean thick hair later on, but children with fine hair in childhood usually grow up to have fine hair too.

If your baby is a boy, his testicles should have descended from his abdomen into his scrotum. Sometimes, however, one or both testicles won't move into position until after birth. In two thirds of all baby boys who have undescended testicles at birth, the condition corrects itself by their first birthday.

You're probably gaining 450g a week, largely because your baby is likely to gain more than half his birthweight during the seven weeks before birth. Make sure you are eating well in these last few weeks. "

Hope everyone had a good Christmas :)

I'm waiting to hear from the birth centre, Karen one of the midwives should be ringing me with an appointment date, I hope lol.

Last visit to a midwife (Lyn) she said I was measuring very big again, I thought it might just be bloating from IBS but she said I may need another scan. So its just wait and see. Still don't know for sure where I will be having the baby. Birth centre, Hosp or Home?

I've been feeling really exhausted the last few weeks, very tired and achy. Now I know my iron levels are very low it could be that, also more fluid than usual can make you feel tired.

Went shopping earlier, bargain hunting I only managed 2 shops and my legs gave up lol.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

30 Weeks Today!!!

"Your baby's lungs and digestive tract are almost fully developed. Your baby's growth in terms of her length will soon slow down (she measures about 39.3cm from crown to toe now), but she will continue to gain weight until she's born.

This week your baby continues to open and shut her eyes. She can probably see what's going on inside your uterus (womb), distinguish light from dark and even track a light source. If you shine a light on your stomach, your baby may move her head to follow the light or even reach out to touch the moving glow.

Some researchers think baring your stomach to light stimulates visual development. But don't expect 20/20 vision when your baby is born – newborns can see a distance of only between 20cm and 30cm. Children with normal vision don't reach 20/20 vision until the age of about seven or nine. To complete the picture, your baby now has eyebrows and eyelashes.

About a litre of amniotic fluid now surrounds your baby, but that volume decreases as she gets bigger and has less room in your uterus. As you and your baby continues to grow, don't be alarmed if you feel breathless, as if you can't get enough air. It's just your uterus pressing against your diaphragm.

There is a light at the end of the tunnel though. At about 34 weeks (or just before birth, if this is your second or third pregnancy), your baby's head will move down into your pelvis as she gets into the right position for birth. That will make breathing and eating a lot easier. "

Well I feel bigger if thats possible lol, It looks like my tummy couldn't get much bigger but Ethan has a lot of growing to do yet. Few more stretch marks round my sides. I'm getting good at upside-down tortoise impressions while trying to get up off the sofa hehehe. Makes you feel so helpless, hubby finds it very amusing lol.

I'm still doing pretty much ok with my weight gain, it seems to be hovering between 22lbs and 25lbs, 23 at the moment. For my weight i'm not supposed to go over 25lbs but if it happens it happens lol, will prob end up bout 35 hehe.

Was my birthday Sunday and I got spoilt, hubby bought me a gorgeous necklace and fluffy socks! I love those, also a long Cardi. Mum got me the lionman boxset, more socks (yay!), A jumper and a book. Bruv got me 2 pairs of earrings, CSI boxset and a film. We went to a carvery for dinner was yummy. Ooh and hubby also got me one of those kids cakes you decorate yourself hehe, very yummy too lol.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

I Kept Quiet One Day!!!

Impossible for me so here goes.....

It's A Boy !!!!! Little Ethan Robert :)

Monday, December 7, 2009

29 Weeks Today!

"Your baby now weighs around 1.1kg and measures about 38.6cm from head to toe. Head hair is beginning to grow. In boys, testicles have descended from near the kidneys through the groin en route to the scrotum. In girls, the clitoris is relatively prominent because it's not yet covered by the still-small labia. These will grow to cover it in the last few weeks before birth.

Your baby's head is getting bigger, and brain growth is rapid at this time. Nearly all babies react to sound and light by 30 weeks.

Your baby's nutritional needs reach their peak during the third trimester. You'll need plenty of protein, vitamin C, folic acid, iron, and calcium (about 200mg is deposited in your baby's skeleton every day), so eat foods rich in these nutrients. The skeleton hardens even more and the brain, muscles, and lungs continue to mature. Take a look at our eating well guide to make sure you are getting the right minerals and vitamins."

Off to the hospital in 15 mins for this test, I'm hungry!! lol and thirsty. Gotta drink the drink then go away for 2 hours so we are going shopping lol.

Not much sleep last night groan, I will end up with bags on my bags under my eyes.
28 Weeks + 6 Days Ultrasound

Scan went well I was worried about nothing. Yes I have slightly more fluid than average but its still within the normal limits. And yes baby is big lol, weighing in at approx 3 and a half pounds at the moment.

Was told everything looked good and it was a perfectly healthy baby.

Here's the pics :)

A foot!!!

Waving lol.

Growth Scan Today

Got a scan at dinner time today, its to find why I'm measuring big. I was 28 weeks Tues and was measuring 32cms! Also its to measure my amniotic fluid as the midwife thought I might have too much. I'm pretty sure it was just me being bloated as usual so fingers crossed.

At least we get to see Bub again and get some more pictures:)

Saturday, December 5, 2009

28 + 4 weeks belly :D

My tummy at 28 weeks and 4 days, looks fit to burst lol. Got a few stretch marks on my sides, none anywhere else yet.

My bellybutton is still an innie, just! lol I dread it popping out that looks funny hehe.

I started packing my bag, yeah I know a bit early but don't want to forget anything. I read it's best to pack it whether you go to hosp/centre or not as everything is to hand then.

I asked hubby to get be giant sanitary towels and incontinence pants, I read about that tip somewhere online for after the birth.
I am getting soooo excited! My weight seems to have dropped back down to 185lbs, I'm trying to eat sensibly, plenty of fruit and veg etc, but naughty things keep enticing me, yummy magnum last night lol.

Thursday, December 3, 2009


Wee sample was checked at the birth centre this morn and was fine yay! :) Hubby ran it up there on his way to work lol.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Midwife Appointment

Debbie was off sick so I had Ceri and a trainee. I had messed up my urine test so have to take another up to the birth centre. Had pot ready but forgot and peed in the loo lol.

Blood pressure was fine. I did measure large for 28 weeks though, it was 32cms, so she arranged another scan for me on Monday. She mentioned having too much amniotic fluid, hope theres no problems. She is also sending me for blood tests to check on my iron levels and for the glucose fasting test to check for gestational diabetes. If your BMI is above 25 you are at risk of that and also if its in the family, dads diabetic. Anyway Ceri said she would be ringing me with a date to go in.

Discussed hospital versus home birth a bit. The midwife says home births nowadays are no different then going to the birthing centre. They bring all the equiptment with them. She said if Im classed as low risk there should not be any problems giving birth at home. I read a long article on the andover birth centre web site, it seems they are promoting home births and that they feel hospital, unless you are high risk, is a bad idea. Ok not, bad idea but more stressful and not desirable, especially with all the illness around at the moment. Anyway she said I needed to discuss it more with Debbie when I see her at 31 weeks.

And another thing is that the birth centre may be opening up again at the end of January yay!!!


Midwife rang back, Iron bloodtest and GTT (Glucose) are on tuesday 8.30

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

28 Weeks Today

"You're in the home stretch. The third trimester typically starts this week and lasts until week 40 and sometimes even beyond. (Don't worry – 42 weeks is the maximum! After that, a woman usually is induced to give birth.) Most women gain an average of 5kg during this trimester.

By this week, your baby weighs nearly a little more than 1kg and may measure 37.6cm from top to toe. At about this time, your baby can open her eyes and turn her head in the uterus (womb) if she notices a continuous, bright light shining from the outside.

Her fat layers are forming which will help her skin to lose its wrinkled appearance. Your baby’s bones are nearly developed, though they are still soft and pliable – they won’t harden properly until after birth.

You're probably wavering between feeling as if you've been pregnant forever and being nervous about labour and birth. Checking off things on your to-do list can help. Start selecting possible baby names and begin thinking about life after the birth as well.

Planning to breastfeed? Then look at our complete guide to the first six weeks.

Note: Every baby develops differently. This page is designed to give a general idea of how a fetus grows in the uterus. "

I seem to be gaining weight faster now even though I'm not eating any different. 187lbs now ouch lol.
Midwife appointment tomorrow.

I put the christmas decorations up tonight, yeah a bit early but I get excited hehe. The cats were into, onto, under everything, they are worse than me.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Andover Birth Centre

It said in the Andover Advertiser that they were closing it until April 2010! Due to shortage of staff, flu etc. There is also the possibility that they will close it for good, a few weeks ago they were celebrating the success of it and talking about a new centre.

I'm really annoyed, this means Andover women will have to have home births, go to Winchester or Basingstoke. I was so hoping to have a water birth grrr. They do have a birthing pool in Winchester but with so many more people theres less chance of it being free. The last thing I want is to be flat on my back in bed. I can't lay on my back anyway hurts too much. I hope they let you try out different positions at least in Winchester.
Heres the petition to sign if anyone wants to help keep it open.


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

27 Weeks Today!

"Your baby now weighs nearly 875g and measures 36.6cm from head to toe. His eyes open and close, he sleeps and wakes at regular intervals and he may suck a finger or thumb. Sweet dreams, little baby! Some experts believe that babies begin to dream by the 28th week. What do they dream about? No one knows for certain but the brain is active this week as well. The characteristic grooves on the brain's surface start to appear and more brain tissue develops. You may be detecting rhythmic movements, which is simply your baby having an attack of the hiccups. They are common this week and throughout your pregnancy. Your baby is breathing in amniotic fluid rather than air and an episode usually lasts momentarily. The sensation for you may be strange, but not unpleasant. Since your uterus (womb) is now up near your rib cage, you may now find yourself short of breath if you haven't already. Starting now and continuing through the last three months of pregnancy, you may be plagued by leg cramps, haemorrhoid's, varicose veins and an itchy abdomen. Are pregnancy discomforts getting you down? Try some natural remedies to perk you up. If a blood test for your rhesus status found you to be RhD negative earlier in pregnancy, you'll probably be tested for antibodies this week or next. These may be present in your blood if your baby is RhD-positive, and you'll have what's called an anti-D injection to combat the incompatibility. You may be offered a repeat injection at 36 weeks. !

Oh yes definitely get short of breath, especially by the evening lol. I've noticed over the last few days my legs tend to ache a lot more. Too many up and down stairs trips kill them, and makes me pant lol.

My tummy seems to be going out more, if that makes sense. 43 inches just measured it hehe.

Next midwife appointment is 2nd Dec, seeing Debbie again unless they change it.

Friday, November 20, 2009

I need a bib!

It's getting hard to eat off my lap, my laps fast disappearing! Ashley doesn't fit on it any more lol. So when I eat my dinner I end up wearing more of it than actually eating it. I proved that tonight hehe I'm covered with gravy :P

Most things I ordered have now arrived, just waiting for a baby sling and the monitor.

Ended up having to get 2 car seats, the Britax one we bought went from 9 months - 12 years. So bought another to cover newborn to 9 months.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

26 Weeks Today!

"Measuring your baby from top to toe with her legs extended, she is about 35.6cm. She weighs a little more than 760g. Your baby's eyes begin to open around now. Her response to sound grows more consistent towards the end of the seventh month, when the network of nerves to her ears is complete. She also continues to take small breaths and although she's only breathing in water and not air, it's still good practice for when she's born.

Since your baby is now growing so fast, and brain development is so intense at this stage, your nutrition is very important. Continue to eat a well-balanced diet that includes plenty of grains and vegetables. Fibre-rich foods, including whole-grain breads and cereals, lentils and brown rice are high in vitamin B and help fend off constipation.

Your antenatal classes should start some time in the next few weeks, if they haven't already. Classes should provide you with good, clear information about the birth and the early days of parenthood. Keeping informed goes a long way towards calming any concerns you may have about giving birth.

Note: Every baby develops differently. This page is designed to give a general idea of how a fetus grows in the uterus."

Feeling well apart from the usual lol. Finished the xmas pressie shopping Sunday yay! Totally tired me out but at least it is done and wrapped. Went shopping in Tescos with Hubby last night, 2 walks in one week! hehe. Today everything aches, partly as didn't sleep much, oh well. I feel guilty if I don't do any exercise and achy and knackered if I do lol.

A few more things have arrived, the play gym which is cute and a couple of small bits. Hubby has finished playing with the wiring for dining room lights so now the floor in nursery should be able to go down! wheee. Still won't be able to arrange it how I want yet though, have to hide the exercise bike and rowing machine in there until after xmas, also bruv's sleeping in there then on the camp bed.

I'm getting really impatient, want my baby now! :)

Friday, November 13, 2009

Pram arrived!

Got it together eventually lol, it's lovely. Hubby asked if I was going to take the cats for a test run hehe. I didn't realise that I got a bargain, I got it for £140 but it was in a sale, was really £300 lol.

It can also be a buggy for when bub's older :)

Thursday, November 12, 2009


I love Amazon lol. Ordered the pram/buggy, a car seat (will still need to get one for 0 - 9 months tho as this one is 9 mths - 12 years!), a play gym (cute), a bath and mat and a bouncy chair. Decided against one of those travel systems, I read they don't go as flat as a newborn needs to be. Also got some more bits for Christmas.

Ash's feet are fine now, he has a couple more days of being creamed hehe. That stuff must be good, after the first application he was back to his cocky self and had stopped shaking his foot.

Staring third trimester end of next week yay! So that will be my 7th month, hmm, weird how they work it out lol.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Went ok at the midwifes she was as nice as Debbie, urine and blood pressure good. Heard heartbeat nice and strong, uterus at the right height for 25 weeks. She had a trainee with her today so I had two groping my tummy lol.

Was given the Health in Pregnancy Grant forms to send off and told to see the midwife again in 3 weeks.

Had to take Ash to the vets, he has been limping and shaking his foot alot since saturday. He had sores between his toes Doc said he has either been hit by a car, which he ruled out, been chased by another cat, probably!, or its a fungal/dermalogical infection. Anyway he has to have steroid cream rubbed on twice a day, and he wee'd in the cat box on the way back and got wee all over hubby lol. £35 !!!
25 Weeks Today!

"Your baby now weighs nearly 660g and is about 34.6cm long from crown to heel. He makes breathing movements but has no air in his lungs yet. At 26 weeks, fetal brain scans show response to touch. If you shine a light on your belly, your baby will turn his head, which means his optic nerve is working.

At every antenatal visit, your midwife or doctor will take your blood pressure and do tests on a sample of your urine. In this way, pregnancy-related conditions such as pre-eclampsia and diabetes can be detected and treated.

Your fingers, wrists and hands may be feeling achy and numb. The passageway, or carpal tunnel, in your wrist that carries your nerve and tendons to your hand is swollen, as are many other tissues in your body. The nerve that runs through the tunnel is pinched, creating pressure that causes shooting or burning pain. Wearing a brace may help. Talk to your midwife or doctor about other ways to cope. Find out about natural remedies for numb or achy fingers.

Planning to go back to work? Get organised now. Our work and childcare section will tell you all you need to know. "

I've had no problems with my wrists yet, or fingers, think they might have swelled at bit tho lol. I know my feet have, I have hardly any shoes that fit anymore. Main problems my back, it kills by about 6pm everyday. But that still isn't that much of a problem unless I have to go somewhere, I just lay down. Even with all the aches and pains, the getting up all night for the loo, the insomnia etc I'm still enjoying being pregnant :)

Got the Midwife this afternoon, a different one as mine isn't in this week. Hopefully I won't get messed about this time, I most definately have an appointment! I keep expecting to get nagged about my weight, I've put on 19lbs so far, Hubby says I'm worrying over nothing hmm.

The things I ordered came in the post yesterday, the moses basket/stand, a blanket and 2 x changing mats. Mobile still yet to come. Hopefully we can get the nursery floor down this weekend and can get started on sorting that out :)

Friday, November 6, 2009

At Last :)

The rest of our radiators are being fitted tomorrow yay! Can't wait to get this house sorted out, it stresses me lol.

I've ordered the moses basket and stand plus bedding from Amazon, also 2 changing mats and a mobile, so I made a start as soon as I heard about plumber hehe. Mum gave us £100 to get things with so that lot is from her :)

I'm at least feeling a bit organized which I haven't felt for a while. (The Christams Nazi is coming out Boo!) Almost fin Xmas pressie shopping and I've wrapped them all :D Also written all the cards hehe. I've also written the food shopping list, I love lists! Now I can't wait to get the decorations out:P

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

24 Weeks Today!

"Your baby weighs more than 600g. Though she still has little body fat and her skin is thin and fragile, she's now well-proportioned. Her brain is growing rapidly, taste buds have fully developed, and her footprints and fingerprints are forming.

She is starting to fill the space in your uterus (womb) – from crown to heel she could measure 30cm. If you went into labour at this time, however, many obstetricians and midwives would make every effort to halt the progress of premature labour to enable your baby to continue maturing.

You may be noticing stretch marks on your belly, hips and breasts. These faint, red or brown streaks are known as striae. Whereas creams won't erase them, wearing a supportive bra may help prevent or minimise them on your breasts.

They are very common at this stage of the pregnancy – about 90 per cent of women get them. After you've given birth, the reddish or brown pigmentation in the stretch marks gradually fades, and the streaks become lighter than the surrounding skin.

Also, your eyes may be light-sensitive and may feel gritty and dry. This is a perfectly normal pregnancy symptom known as dry-eye. To ease your discomfort, use an "artificial tears" solution to add moisture.

A healthy diet is still important at this stage of pregnancy, so visit our eating well section for weeks 25 to 28."

I haven't noticed any stretchmarks yet, just have my old ones lol. It's amazing that we get our fingerprints by just waving our hands about in the amniotic fluid, thats why every ones are different.

Does itchy boobs and belly means stretchmarks starting? Because wow they itch! But thats nothing new, they have itched for ages.

Haven't noticed dry eyes yet hmm, that sounds annoying lol.

I measured round my bump other day and its 44" :) I have put on 18lbs since the midwife weighed me. I'm at 181lbs! phew almost 13 stone!! gulp. I really need to stop eating all the 'naughty' food lol. Ice cream yum, choccys yum, biscuits yum, crisps... lol. Well I did make a veg soup yesterday, so that was healthy right? :P

Bub's happily kicking away inside, normally I notice the kicks at night and early morning.

Friday, October 30, 2009


I hate it! Clock watching is sooo annoying. I'm so tired, can't go back to bed I have parcels being delivered.

My nights 'sleep' consists of changing sides every 10 mins, can't get comfy. Fighting for bed space with the cats. Trying to cool down! I spend a lot of time throwing my covers off, so hot!. Fighting with my other pillow between my knees ) not convinced it helps but I'm trying it) getting up for the loo every couple of hours and listening to hubby snoring blissfully! arghhh lol.

Normally the pattern is, or used to be, 3 - 4 nights of this then on the fifth I'm like a zombie and sleep heavily lol. Trouble is I'm a very light sleeper, always have been.

And they say to make the most of sleep now as after the birth you won't get any. Hmmpf, what sleep? I'm having a whinging 5 mins hehe.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

23 Weeks Today!
"Your baby now weighs a little more than 500g and measures about 28.9cm from crown to heel. His hearing is well established and he can make out a distorted version of your voice, the beating of your heart and your stomach rumblings. Loud noises your baby has often heard in the uterus (womb), such as the barking of a dog or the roar of a vacuum cleaner, probably won't bother him when he is born.

Some studies seem to indicate that unborn babies prefer classical music, so put on a CD of relaxing music by Bach or Mozart for his enjoyment – and yours!

In addition to advances in your baby's hearing, his lungs are developing to prepare for breathing. He's swallowing but he normally won't pass his first stool (called meconium) until after birth.

If your baby were to be born now, he would have a small chance of survival (about 16 per cent) with the right care. Every day in the uterus makes a difference at this stage. If he was born at 24 weeks his chance of survival would rise to 44 per cent.

As for you, you may feel clumsy now that your centre of gravity has shifted. Your gums may bleed when you brush your teeth and your belly button, once an "innie", may now stick out. Don't worry. It'll revert to its pre-baby state soon after you give birth."

Not much has changed since last week, maybe I'm a little bigger lol. Booked my next midwife appointment for 10th Nov. Better not get messed about this time, she rang to say she has the day off and changed me to another midwife in the afternoon. Couldn't get my usual midwife, wasn't in that week.
Mosely has been spending more time in our house, especially when its raininhg lol. He's a cutie.

Still waiting for radiators to be finished, Hubby's been doing the downstairs loo, plastered and is now painting it. House once again looks like a building site lol. At least I don't need to do housework:P It does bug me though when its messy.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

22 Weeks Today
"The baby now weighs almost 430g, measures about 27.8cm long from crown to heel, and is proportioned like a newborn, albeit a thinner version since her baby fat hasn't yet developed.

Although she's getting heavier every day, her skin still appears wrinkled and translucent because she needs to gain more weight. Her lips are distinct and her eyes are formed, though the the coloured part (the iris) still lacks pigment. The pancreas, essential in the production of hormones, is developing steadily.

Even this early, the first signs of teeth appear in the form of tooth buds beneath her gum line. Before you know it, your baby will be born, and soon after, her first teeth will come through.

You've probably gained between 5.4kg and 6.8kg. Starting now, you'll begin to put on weight more steadily, averaging about 225g per week. You may crave certain foods and you may notice an increased (but not bloody) vaginal discharge. Both are a normal part of being pregnant."

I read a news article from 2007 about a baby being born and surviving at 22 weeks! She has now had her second birthday wow! The names Amilla Taylor if anyone wants to look it up, an amazing story.

Well Im feeling good, not much nausea now yay! Still getting headaches though Boo! Tummy doesn't seem bigger to me, Prob is tho, but it seems rounder, heavier and harder. I get out of breath easily and I am still getting hot flushes. My backs annoying, its almost like it used to be, hurts most when I am washing up, guess its the position, can't stand near enough to the sink hehe.

Bub's most active at night, I have a regular footballer in there :P Still light kicks obviously but he/she gets very busy lol.

At my last scan I was told the placenta is posterior low which means its where the babys head is in the pic. Apparently 1 in 4 women have this. Only prob is when it comes to delivery and it hasn't moved, basically theres no way the baby can be born so it will mean a cesaerean. But thats rare, it will normally stretch up out of the way.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Black Belt or maybe Gymnastics? lol

Baby was very active last night got me a couple of good ones in the bellybutton! hehe and no they didn't feel like flutters, they made me jump. 4.30am they started.

So far I've put on 13lbs which I think is ok. I think because I'm over weight I can only put 15 - 25lbs on or something, well if I put more on I just put more on! lol.

Symptoms List
Itchy Boobies
Itchy Tummy
Back ache - hurts most when I'm washing up...hmm.
Sciatica down right buttock and leg - great fun when I get up lol
Headaches - but not all the time
Various ligament pains in tummy - ouch!
Some insomnia
Out of breath quickly less lung room - which also means cant get a decent yawn out, or a sneeze!
Stuffy nose
Hot flushes - annoying at night

Ooh fun and games hehe :D

Things I Can't Do Anymore:P
Put on my socks! Have to contort myself (only partly joking!)
Putting on shoes
Shaving legs
Washing feet is fun too lol
Cutting toenails
Shaving whohaa lol - I'm giving up on this and growing a forest!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Im sure now I feel movement yay!
Started yesterday but since then I felt it again in the night and this morning :))

Hubby stayed home from work yesterday as it was our anniversary. We had breakfast in Asda, yummy! Then had a shop! He bought me a new coat, as I haven't got one that fits done u anymore hehe. New slippers, pants, bras (I'm bursting out of everything lol) a top and some pj's. I feel spoiled lol. We also bought the animated new Resident Evil film, watched that last night it was good:)

Monday, October 12, 2009

21 Weeks Today and 2nd Anniversary! :)

"Your baby now weighs about 360g. Up until now he has been measured from crown to rump but from this point on the measurement will be from crown to heel – and this week he is about 26.7cm long. Your baby’s eyebrows and eyelids are fully developed, and he can now blink. If you’re having a boy, testes will descend from the pelvis into the scrotum in the coming weeks.

Your baby can now hear your conversations. If you talk, read, or sing to your baby, expect him to hear you. Some studies have found that newborns will suck more vigorously when read to from a book they heard frequently in the uterus (womb). If you want to try, pick a book now and read it out loud. Make sure you won't mind reading it over and over once your baby is here. It may be your baby's favourite bedtime story for a long time after birth.

You're probably feeling quite comfortable these days. This, in fact, may be the most enjoyable time in your pregnancy. You're not too big yet, and the usual aches and pains associated with pregnancy like nausea, frequent urination, and fatigue are for the most part gone. Relax and enjoy it while you can. The third trimester is just around the corner and with it comes mild discomfort from carrying a baby that is nearly full-term.

Have you thought where you might have your baby? Find out more about having your baby at home. "

Passed halfway now yay! Still haven't felt any definate kicks, guess bub has too much room in there lol.
My backs been aching, not to the point where it was a couple of years ago, but getting there. I seem to aggravate it when I'm stood washing-up or leaning over or forward. Guess thats something to put up with for a good while yet lol. Boobies are still leaking a bit at night. I'm still really excited when I catch a glance of my tummy in the mirror and yes a little freaked too hehe.

Well it's 2 years married today :) I made some really nice biscuits yesterday we were eating them in bed this morning :P

Friday, October 9, 2009

20 Week Scan Pics

Everything was ok, they checked all the bits and pieces, brain, heart, bones etc.

In the pics bub is attempting a thumb suck hehe. We didn't ask whether bub was a boy or a girl.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

20 Weeks Today!

"Your baby measures about 16.5cm from crown to rump and is steadily gaining weight. A whitish coat of a slick, fatty substance called vernix caseosa begins to cover your baby, protecting her skin during its long immersion in amniotic fluid. It also eases delivery. Your baby's swallowing more this week, good practice for the digestive system. After your baby takes in amniotic fluid, her body absorbs the water in the liquid and moves the rest into the large bowel.

You may want to look into an antenatal class if you haven't done so already. Whether you are a first-time mum or want a refresher course, you will benefit from a structured class. No matter what the philosophy behind it, an antenatal class can help prepare you for the rigours of labour and birth. You should plan to have completed the classes by 37 weeks, when you'll be considered full-term and labour could start at any time.

Be extra vigilant about getting enough iron. Your baby needs it to make red blood cells, among other things. In fact, it's almost impossible for you to get too much from food alone without overeating. Iron-rich foods include lean red meat, poultry, fish, lentils, spinach, and iron-fortified cereals. See our eating well guide to round up everything you need to know."

Half way! Or maybe a bit more than halfway lol.

I've got to say so far it's been lovely being pregnant, even with the sickness and aches and everything else, wouldn't swap it for anything. I haven't any new symptoms yet, I don't think hehe. Dead leg in the night maybe lol.

I'm glad it's getting colder, I'm fed up with being hot especially in the evenings and night! Night sweats are not fun.
Drempt I had a baby girl last night. Doctor knocked me out and when I came round hubby couldn't remember the time of birth or the babys weight lol. I can't remeber what her name was but I did manage to breastfeed but then she turned into a cat ewww hehe and ouch!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

ABC - Andover Birthing Centre

They had an open day yesterday so we went and had a look. My midwife was there so she showed us round. Saw the birthing pool which is what I'm interested in. It's in a small room with a fold out sofa bed, you can play your own music and have aromatic oils in the water, sounds lovely. Dimmer lights too lol. If everything goes to plan thats what I want to do.

Saw the ward, two ladies had just had babies aww:) They have 6 beds in there. Theres a small sitting room and breakfast room too. Went in another room for tea and cake, yummy. They had a tombola and a raffle, didn't win anything lol. Hubby bought a big chocolate cake lol.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

19 Weeks Today!

"You're halfway there! The top of your uterus (womb) now reaches your belly button and will grow about a centimetre a week. Your baby measures about 14.2cm long from crown to rump and weighs about 240g.

She is swallowing amniotic fluid, and her kidneys continue to make urine. Hair on her scalp is sprouting too.

Sensory development reaches its peak this week. The nerve cells serving each of the senses – taste, smell, hearing, seeing, and touch – are developing in their specialised areas of the brain.

Nerve cell production slows down as existing nerve cells grow larger and make more complex connections. If you're carrying a baby girl, she already has roughly six million eggs in her ovaries. By the time she's born, she'll have about a million.

You may have felt the kicking and somersaulting of your growing baby. At times, you might find that she is so mobile that you can't sleep. The next 10 weeks or so will be your baby's busiest and most active time, until the uterus gets too crowded. Two will soon be three and that will mean lots of changes, so have a look at our sex and relationships section."

I haven't felt anything yet, or if I have I thought it was wind lol.

Not sure but I think my boobies leaked a bit the other night, couldn't find where it was coming from and I was half asleep at the time hehe. I have put on about 7lbs so far although it feels a lot more than that, my tummy feels huge :)

Can't wait till my next scan, want it now! :D

Update :

Read up on the leaky breast thing and yes they can start to leak after about week 14 and yes it does start off clear, so I am not going mad lol.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Old Wives Tales

1. The old heartburn myth
If a pregnant woman frequently experiences heartburn, her baby will have a full head of hair. Simply not true. Some babies have hair, some don't. Most lose it all within a few weeks, anyway.

2. The umbilical cord strangulation myth
If a pregnant woman lifts her hands above her head, she will choke the baby. Give us a break. People used to think (and, alas, some still believe) that the mother's movement could cause the baby to become tangled in the umbilical cord, but that's just not true.

3. The curse myth
Anyone who denies a pregnant woman the food that she craves will get a sty in his eye. Nope. This myth doesn't mean that someone who stands between a pregnant woman and her cravings is in the clear, though: he will most certainly be subjected to threats, name-calling, or icy glares.

4. The heart rate myth
If the foetal heart rate is fast, the baby is a girl. If the heart rate is slow, it's a boy. Medical researchers actually looked into this myth. They did find a very slight different between the average heart rate of boys and that of girls, but it wasn't significant enough to make heart rate an accurate predictor of sex.

5. The ugly stick myth
If a pregnant woman sees something ugly or horrible, she will have an ugly baby. How could this possibly be true? There's no such thing as an ugly baby!

6. The coffee myth
If a baby is born with cafe au lait spots (light-brown birthmarks), the mother drank too much coffee or had unfulfilled cravings during pregnancy. Nope.

7. The great sex myth
Interestingly, this may be one of the few myths with a grain of truth in it. Love-making can stimulate your body to produce the hormone oxytocin, which can help your cervix ripen in readiness for labour. Your partner's semen also contains hormones called prostaglandins, which can cause contractions.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Didn't really know what the appointment was all about. When the letter came through the door for it my first thought was huh?, then whats wrong? so I looked it up lol. Anyway turns out it was the midwife that makes you that appointment.

First we saw a nurse and she took my blood pressure, which was fine. It was low last midwife app. She also took my wee sample, then we had to sit back outside. Another nurse called us in and felt my tummy, asked some questions and then we got to hear the heartbeat again :) Back outside for another wait. The doctor then calls us in. He asked what he could do for us lol. We both we stumped and said didn't really know why we were here. He laughed and said the midwives pass on people. Mine was probably due to my age, having IVF and because of my bowel being stuck to my uterus. He said he would chase up my gynae notes on that but thinks it wont be a problem. He said because of my age it would be best if I had a central delivery and waffled a bit about Winchester but said if no problems then deliver in Andover. He said mine is a normal pregnancy but because of my age its not viewed as normal...hmm, well we shall see.

We were there 1 and a half hours! lol

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

18 Weeks Today!

"Your baby is about 5 and a half inches long from crown to rump and she weighs about 190g. Her chest moves up and down to mimic breathing but she's not taking in air, only amniotic fluid, which she’s immersed in to protect her as she grows inside the amniotic sac.

A mid-pregnancy ultrasound scan is often done some time in the second trimester (usually between 18 and 22 weeks) to assess a baby's growth and development, screen for certain birth defects, check the placenta and umbilical cord and determine whether the gestational age is accurate.

Your baby’s gestational age is calculated by counting from the first day of your last period. During this scan, you might see your baby kick, flex, reach, roll, or even suck her thumb. Bring your partner along, and whether or not they can accompany you, ask for printouts of your baby in various poses.

If you're having a girl, the vagina, uterus (womb), and fallopian tubes are in place. If it's a boy, the genitals are distinct and recognisable. If you are carrying more than one baby, check out our section on twins or more.

Note: Every baby develops differently. This page is designed to give a general idea of how a fetus grows in the uterus."

Well because I was put forward a week I was pregnant before my period...hmmm lol. Our scan is on the 9th Oct and I'm still not sure whether to ask what sex bub is. We might see for ourselves if he/she flashes us! hehe.

Morning sickness came back again, from now on my not going to mention when I've been a while without being sick, I jinx myself lol. Had a slightly frightening episode sunday. I went to sleep for a while not long after dinner as I had a headache. Woke up choking on a mouth full of sick. panicked a bit as I couldn't breath! Then my dinner came up:( Was nasty.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

17 Weeks Today!

"Your baby is now nearly 5 inches long from crown to rump and weighs about 140g. His skeleton is mostly rubbery cartilage, which will harden later. A protective substance called myelin slowly begins to wrap around the spinal cord.

With the help of a special stethoscope, you can now hear your baby's heartbeat. There's almost nothing more comforting or exciting than hearing your baby's heartbeat galloping along. For times when boredom strikes and you feel as if you'll be pregnant forever, it can be a pleasant reminder of what will come at the end of 40 weeks of waiting.

Your expanding uterus (womb) where your baby is developing has shifted your centre of gravity and you've probably been feeling a bit off-kilter. Be careful and wear low-heeled shoes. Finding it hard to settle when you go to bed? Check our tips for sleep in the second trimester.

If you haven't had an amniocentesis yet and plan to, this week is a good time. One perk: you'll get a long look at your baby through the ultrasound scan used during this procedure."

17 weeks already! phew :) Yes its hard to sleep! Last night was the usual, tossing and turning, I get really restless and hot in the evenings and nights, legs go everywhere and hubby tells me off lol. And then the keep getting up to wee in the night! great fun lol, think it was 4 last night. Will probably nod off after dinner soooo tired.

Measured tummy yesterday was almost 42 inches hehe. The dreaded sickness re-appeared yesterday too, bye bye curly wurly oh well :P

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Midwife 2nd Appointment

Bit of a mix up when I got to the surgery, my appointment wasn't in the book. I explained that someone had rung last week and resheduled me to a day later. The receptionist said that had happened to a few people today, strange. Anyway she rang upstairs and the midwife said she would fit me in. We had to wait roughly half an hour which was ok.

I saw Debbie again, she's nice. She did my blood pressure, which was a bit lower but she said that was normal. My wee sample was fine too. She got me to lay on the couch so she could feel where my uterus came to, it wasn't far below my belly button. Then she got the doppler out and we heard the heartbeat, it was amazing, like a tiny galloping horse lol. I welled up lol. She said it sounded perfect.

I'm to book to see her again 4 weeks after my next scan. Ah and she said my blood type was A Resus D Positive, which is a common one so thats good :)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

16 Weeks Today!

"Your baby is now about the size of an avocado, is about 10.1cm long from crown to rump, and weighs approximately 100g. In the next three weeks she'll go through a tremendous growth spurt, doubling her weight and adding inches to her length.

In or out of the uterus (womb), babies are playful creatures. Yours may already have discovered her first toy – the umbilical cord – which she'll enjoy pulling and grabbing. Sometimes she may even clutch it so tight that less oxygen gets through, but don't worry – she doesn't hold onto it long enough to harm himself.

The circulatory system and urinary tract are in full working order, and she's inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid through her lungs. Your baby is immersed in amniotic fluid, which is protecting her as she grows in the amniotic sac.

Sometimes, when you move suddenly, you may a feel a slight pain in your sides. Ligaments on each side of your uterus and pelvic walls are stretching as your baby grows. It's normal to feel some pain, but if it continues for a few days or gets worse, talk to your midwife."

Im always pulling something lol. My appetites most certainly back again, all I want to do is eat. Better be careful I guess or I will have the midwife telling me off hehe. Couple more symptoms I've read are pregnancy related: Stuffy nose, I thought I was getting a cold for the last couple of weeks but no, its down to increased blood flow to the nasal membranes, strange lol. Also itchy skin, I thought I had fleas hehe....Joke!

I keep checking for this colostrum, which starts getting made now, hubby keeps telling me to leave my boobies alone! Well it fascinates me :P

Slept better last night, I've put the winter duvet back on, maybe I was snugger I don't know, and I even laid in and went back to sleep. Normally I can't do that, it gives me a headache.

Mosely is still in and out, Belle bullys him, shes impressed shes found a cat thats intimidated by her! lol. Wil and Ash never take any notice.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Boo's House

Went up my friends today, Hubby dropped me off while he went to see his dad. She gave me a big bag of baby things, oooh more pressies, we are getting spoilt lol :D Thank you very much Boo, very useful!

When we got back home Hubby carried on sorting out our new front door so I had a nap, I get so tired. So much for having more energy, would prob have some if I slept better at night. Got up, ate and watched an episode of Angel, now I'm bored hehe.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Mosely and stodge!

I think Mosely might be moving in lol, I went in the front room this morning and he was sat in Willy's seat lol. Luckily we put frontline on him last night and hubby pulled his ticks off, poor little guy. He has scabs on his back from being beaten, prob by the ginger cat from next door, the bully! He needs some loving.

The stodge bit was a lamb and mint suet pudding I had yesterday, I will admit it was lovely but I suffered afterwards with amazing bloating! I looked on the box and it said 1360 calories!!! wow lol. 76g fat!! no wonder I couldn't move hehe. Hubby said its 1 portion, more like 4!! lol.

No new symptoms to report, had the usual headache yesterday and tuesday. I think tummys getting bigger but then I always say that :)

Mosely :)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

15 Weeks Today!

"You may not know it when it happens, but your tiny tenant frequently gets the hiccups, which babies learn to do before breathing. Babies don't make any sound because their windpipe (trachea) is filled with fluid rather than air.

Although you've probably gained between 2.2kg and 4.5kg, your baby weighs in at only about 70g. He measures nearly 9.1cm long, crown to rump. Legs are growing longer than arms now and all his joints and limbs can move. You may be able to find out the sex of your baby by ultrasound now, since the external genitals may be developed enough that the ultrasound technician can tell you if you're going to have a boy or a girl.

If the idea of having a baby seems so remote, nothing makes it feel more real than feeling your baby move for the first time. Most mums-to-be feel movement (called quickening) between 16 and 20 weeks.

If you've been pregnant before, you'll feel things earlier rather than later. What you may first think is a rumbling stomach may be your baby doing some back flips. Make note of when you first start feeling the baby and tell your midwife at your next visit.

This middle stage of pregnancy is a good time to start exercising – visit out pregnancy fitness area for some work-out ideas and advice. "

Excercise? pfft! lol, knackers me just changing the bed lol. Want to feel baby move! :)

Up dads yesterday, went to a carvery yummy. Had turkey and gammon, various veg, stuffing. cranberry sauce, basically an xmas dinner hehe. Can't wait till christmas, I can have turkey! Last year I was veggy, wasn't good, felt left out :P

Not commenting on the sickness too much, can't tempt fate but I will say not had it since Fri morning:)

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Trout, Clothes and Things :)

Went out for a meal Friday night, it was my nieces 18th. Had trout it was lovely, bloated me tho lol but then what doesn't :P Came home early as hubby was tired! doh lol. Anyway didn't feel queasy at all which was wonderful.

Sat morning we went for a breakfast in Asda then bought me some new (bigger) clothes. Also indigestion started or maybe trapped wind, not sure, anyway it hurts. Comes and goes but helps if I they down.

Sat afternoon my friend came round bearing pressies, ooooh :) She's kindly given me her sterilizer, bottles, changing bag and pump. We are really grateful, thats going to save a lot of money :)

Tomorrow is Dads birthday so we are off up there. :D

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

14 Weeks and 2 days Belly :)

I've compared pictures with other 14 weeks bellys and some are even bigger than mine! lol

Maybe still some bloating but honestly I have no idea. Don't care I love my belly hehe.

Queasy this morning but now I'm not, so made up for it by having pizza and garlic bred :) Phew stinky house now hehehe.

Watched an episode of Angel, the one with the girl that has telekinesis. Overdid it a bit yesterday so having a lazy day today, which is good but I'm bored!

Been reading the book "Not Without My Sister." About 3 girls being brought up in the cult Children Of God. Sick people. Look it up. Rose Mcgowen was brought up by them, she left (got away?) when she was 15.

Can't wait till midwife app, I read that I might get to hear the heartbeat :)

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

14 Weeks Today!

"Crown to rump, your baby is about 8cm long and weighs 43g. Her body is now growing faster than her head. This week, her parchment-thin skin is starting to cover itself with ultra-fine, downy hair that usually disappears before birth (lanugo) (Medline 2009). Though her eyebrows are beginning to grow and the hair on top of her head is sprouting, this hair may change in both texture and colour after birth.

About now, your baby can grasp, squint, frown, and grimace. She may even be able to suck her thumb. These and other movements probably correspond to the development of impulses in the brain (Medline 2009; Visembryo 2006).

If you haven't yet made an appointment for maternal serum screening (also known as the triple test), you may want to do so now. The test provides more information about your baby, and screens for Down's syndrome and other conditions. Also, your obstetrician may recommend an amniocentesis between 15 and 18 weeks for women over 35. If you are over 35, have a look at our article on how age affects pregnancy."

Wheres my so called energy I'm supposed to have now? hehe, no sign of it. Also morning sickness should be going. I think they should re-write everything there is about pregnancy lol. They talk as though you can run marathons during 2nd trimester!!! pfft! lol

Most definitely still have morning sickness, twice yesterday with queasy in between. Queasy all weekend and before that diarrhea. Also many headaches, last nights was painful. The things we have to put up with! lol.

Apart from that lot I am well, bumps growing, it fascinates me I have to keep holding it hehe.

Booked midwife for 2 weeks time and have an appointment at the Obstetrics Dept at the hosp on the 22nd. I queried about my bowel being stuck to my womb when I saw the midwife last, so thats prob why i have that appointment. I was totally confused when the letter came through the door, wondered what on earth it was for lol.

Hopefully the radiator piping is being done in the 2 bedrooms Saturday. That means we can get the new flooring down and start buying things! yay :) Nursery is still going to be an animal/jungle theme sort of, well thats the plan lol. I have lots of cuddly lions and tigers :)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Yesterday Contd

It got even better yesterday, sick again after 6pm so that was goodbye dinner, then at bedtime I was sat on the loo with the other end going, groan. Oh well I'm not constipated anymore hehe. I think I lost a lb lol.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Revenge of the Sick!

I'm going to stop telling people when I think my morning sickness has finished. Everytime I say that I am sick, either that day or the next. Last time I was sick was a week and 2 days ago, so I told dad it had finished, doh! lol.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

13 Weeks!

Had the scan this morning, actually turned out to be 3 scans hehe. First time in the baby wasn't in a very good position so they sent us away for half an hour. Ouch bladder! Went back in at 9.45 and she had another look and said my bladder was too full! lol, so off to the loo, back in again. This time bub was in a better position and she took 4 pics.

She said I'm further along than 12 wks as baby was almost 3 inches. So the due date has changed to 23rd February.

So here's the pics :-

They are really clear, you can see the feet, the ear, tummy hehe. Looks like bub's blowing raspberries in this one. :)

In the 4th one it looks like bub's playing with his foot hehe.

12 Weeks
"Your baby's face is beginning to look more human, even though she is only about 2 inches / 5.5 centimetres long from her crown to her rump and weighs slightly less than half an ounce/ 14 grams. The eyes, which started out on the sides of the head, have moved closer together. The ears are almost in their normal position on the side of the head. The liver is making bile and the kidneys are secreting urine in the bladder. The fetus squirms if your abdomen is prodded, although you cannot yet feel movement. Fetal nerve cells have been multiplying rapidly and synapses (neurological connections in your brain) are forming. The fetus has acquired more reflexes: touching the palms makes the fingers close, touching the soles of the feet makes the toes curl down and touching the eyelids makes the eye muscles clench. Your midwife can now feel the top of the uterus, also known as the fundus, low in the abdomen. As you enter the second trimester, you may find yourself donning looser, less restrictive clothing. Soon you won't be able to fit into your regular clothes any more. You may now find that once the "sickness" feeling has passed, your appetite returns. Check out how to eat well over the next few weeks. "


13 Weeks

"The fetus is now nearly 3 inches / 7 to 8 centimetres long from crown to rump and weighs nearly an ounce / 23 grams -- about half a banana. Its unique fingerprints are already in place. And when you poke your stomach gently and she feels it, your baby will start rooting -- that is, act as if she's searching for a nipple.

If you're having a girl, she now has approximately 2 million eggs in her ovaries; she will have only a million by the time she's born. She'll have fewer eggs as she gets older, and by age 17, the number will have dropped to 200,000.

As for you, the fog may be lifting, so to speak. For many women, the side effects of early pregnancy -- frequent urination, intense fatigue, nausea -- diminish sometime in the second trimester. Your uterus, while large enough to announce to onlookers that you're indeed pregnant, isn't so huge that it gets in your way. Even though birth is months away, your breasts may already start making colostrum, the fluid that will feed your baby for the first few days before your milk comes in.

Questions, questions? Try chatting with other mums-to-be on our birth clubs and find out how others are feeling at your stage of pregnancy.

• Note: Experts say every baby develops differently -- even in utero. These fetal development pages are designed to give a general idea of how a fetus grows in the womb. "